Doctor Who: Dalek

October 30, 2013 in Dr Who by Firebird


The TARDIS materialises in a museum of alien artefacts. A signal has pulled it there, something calling for help. Unfortunately the place has good security and they are captured. They are quickly taken to meet the owner, a very full of himself individual called Henry van Statten. He takes the Doctor down to ‘the cage’ to meet his pet while Rose is sent off with Adam, a procurer and cataloger of artefacts.

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Star Trek: Mirror Mirror

October 28, 2013 in Guest Blogs, Star Trek by GuestBlogs

A guest blog Siblings and Mindless-Droid


“Mirror, Mirror” is this week’s episode, in which Star Trek introduces us to what is usually referred to as the Mirror Universe, the second “parallel universe” to appear in the show, though perhaps “alternate universe” would be the more accurate title. It can by legally viewed here.

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Doctor Who Revisited: 6 Colin Baker

October 27, 2013 in Dr Who, Guest Blogs by GuestBlogs

A guest blog by Hevy782


While all previous Doctors were calm, collective and had a reasonably good dress sense, Colin Baker’s portrayal of the Doctor was totally different. His colourful patchwork clothes meant that he wouldn’t go unnoticed and his arrogant attitude fit this well. It all really represented the state of his mind and how the regeneration had affected him. While it made for an interesting character arc, it didn’t bode well for his popularity as the Doctor, with him being many peoples least favorite of the lot. I’m not afraid to admit that I am one of these people but is he as bad as a lot of people make out? Well, he certainly gets better over time when his character warms and becomes less brash. It’s just a shame that he doesn’t have many good stories to show off in with the show obviously in trouble by this point. Almost getting itself cancelled but instead put on hiatus for eighteen months.

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Doctor Who Revisited: 5. Peter Davidson

October 26, 2013 in Dr Who by Firebird


The fifth Doctor was dramatically younger than his predecessors, but I liked him. He was kind and gentle and that made a nice change. On the other hand the TARDIS did start to feel rather crowded at times, with rather too much focus on the domestic concerns of the ‘crew’ and that made the Doctor less central. Three companions day in day out is definitely too many.

The episode they chose to follow the documentary was Earthshock.

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Farscape: They’ve Got a Secret

October 26, 2013 in Farscape by Firebird


After an accident on Moya, D’Argo starts treating the crew as if they are figures from his past. Simultaneously, Moya takes control out of Pilot’s hands and aggressively attempts to expunge all onboard! To work out exactly what triggered these events, Crichton, Aeryn, Zhaan and Rygel have to keep up the charade as D’Argo’s past acquaintances, and in the process uncover the Luxan’s troubled, phenomenal history. The crew is to discover also that somewhere inside Moya, an amazing change is taking place.

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Clone Wars: The Jedi Younglings arc

October 25, 2013 in The Clone Wars by Firebird


This week I sat down and watched the Jedi Younglings episodes back to back.

Overall it’s not a bad arc. Better on this viewing than when I first saw it.

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Doctor Who: World War Three

October 23, 2013 in Dr Who by Firebird

It turns out that the name tags which are deadly to humans don’t work so well on Time Lords and when the Doctor pushes his into the neck collar of the Slitheen in front of him all the others are ‘electricuted’ too, allowing the Doctors friends to escape.

Unfortunately that doesn’t last long as by the time the Doctor returns with soldiers in tow the Slitheen are back in their disguises and accuse HIM of killing all the alien experts. The Doctor does a runner.

The Slitheen instruct the police to seal off the upper floors, strip off their disguises and start to hunt.

There’s a lot of running around and hiding. The CGI of the Slitheen running isn’t bad and certainly makes them a more convincing threat than if they’d had the actors running around in their rubber suits. Harriet turns out to be rather brave.


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Star Trek: The Changeling

October 21, 2013 in Guest Blogs, Star Trek by GuestBlogs

A guest blog Mindless-Droid


This week’s OS Star Trek episode is The Changeling. You can watch the original version here and the episode summary is here Even though this episode is another of the Kirk outwits a computer again I liked it. On to some Mindless thoughts.

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Doctor Who Revisited: 4 Tom Baker

October 20, 2013 in Dr Who, Guest Blogs by GuestBlogs

A guest blog Hevy782


With teeth, curls and an incredibly long scarf, Tom Baker took on the role of the iconic Time Lord and what an impression he made. The fourth edition of the Doctor’s Revisited took a look at what made this incarnation so special along with a look at those he traveled with and those he fought. This Doctor never engaged in combat with anyone, preferring to use his wit to outsmart enemies. He also has a fondness of jelly babies which he offers to friends and foes alike. There’s no denying that Tom Baker is good in the role but is he my favourite? Is he my Doctor? Well, that’s something for another time. I still can’t make up my mind between him and Patrick Troughton.

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Doctor Who Revisited: 3. Jon Pertwee

October 19, 2013 in Dr Who by Firebird


Jon Pertwee was My Doctor, the one I remember first when I was a child. I didn’t know at the time how different he was to the previous two incarnations, he just *was* the Doctor, on Earth, working for U.N.I.T. Watching the documentary I found myself smiling. Yes, the action man.

The episode they chose is Spearhead from Space. The first with Jon Pertwee, the first in colour. Rather than writing a blow by blow account I’ll direct you to the Wikipedia entry and make some general observations of my own.

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