Doctor Who Monsters A-Z : Giant Robot

February 16, 2014 in Dr Who, Guest Blogs by GuestBlogs

A Guest blog by Hevy782


The Giant Robot, designated the K-1 Robot by its creator, was a highly sophisticated Robot made out of a form of living metal. It was even so sophisticated that it had the equivalent of a human brain and was programmed with a moral centre. It was being used by a group of scientists called Think Tank to steal nuclear missile codes so that they could hold the world to ransom. But it’s tasks were conflicting with its moral centre and slowly driving it insane. The only one who tried to help it and stop the pain that the inner conflict was creating was Sarah Jane Smith. She ended up befriending the creature, so much so in fact that when it decided it would continue with the plan to create a nuclear holocaust it told Sarah that she would be the only human to live on.

It was created by Dr Kettlewell, an absent minded but well meaning scientist who got caught up with Think Tank. After he found out that Think Tank would go so far as to actually launch the missiles he went to try and stop the Robot but it ended up killing him by mistake. This drove the Robot over edge and sent it completely mad. Because it’s made of a living metal, it grew to a monstrous size when the Brigadier shot it with the laser gun it had stolen the plans for. This then made the problem worse for the Brigadier and UNIT but the Doctor was able to come up with a virus which would destroy the living metal and thus kill the Robot.

The Giant Robot’s only appearance so far was in Robot written by Terrance Dicks and featuring the Fourth Doctor, Sarah, Harry and UNIT. During this the Doctor, while recovering from his regeneration, is helping UNIT to investigate a series of robberies. He deduces that whatever did them wasn’t human and finds out that what it stole was all that was needed to make a laser gun. Meanwhile, Sarah visits Think Tank where she discovers a Robot and reports back to the Doctor. The Robot is then sent to steel nuclear missile codes, armed with the laser gun. After a near fatal encounter with the monster, the Doctor and Sarah go to spy on a Think Tank meeting. Here they learn that they are the ones behind it and intend to use the nuclear missiles to hold the world to ransom. UNIT turn up and cut the meeting short but the Robot along with many of the scientists escape to their bunker and take Sarah and Harry prisoner. UNIT and the Doctor begin their attack on the bunker but are met by the Robot who ends up accidentally killing it’s creator and has a complete mental breakdown. UNIT manage to stop the countdown but the Robot is still on the loose and after the Brigadier shoots it with the laser gun it grows to a gigantic size and begins terrorising a nearby town. The Doctor, with help from Harry, then comes up with a virus which destroys the Robot for good. The Doctor then invites Harry to travel with him and Sarah through time and space and then they head off towards their next adventure.

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That’s all for the Giant Robot, next week well be having a look at the Hath who were at war with humans on Messaline, but were they the real enemies in this conflict?